Ilaan Turneel

A raw artist of blue
As discreet as out of time, Ilaan crosses his time, like a lighthouse in the storm, like a brush planted in the canvas. He is always on a tenuous thread between the ocean, the horizon and the sky, where discernment becomes difficult and where the limits meet, to merge.
Semaphore of the color blue, he sails in his storms of dark and luminous colors that bewitch you and drag you down. Like a messenger of the aquatic armageddon, he invites us to an endless journey in the depths of his blues.
There was, the calm skies of Turner, here are the raging seas of Turneel !
La couleur pour pigmenter nos vies
Turneel is a master in the art of using color to give life to an idea, to pass a message to his contemporaries. He communicates to us all his creative force, with this delicately mastered violence of the art of painting and extreme chromatic ranges. Il nous communique toute sa force créative, avec cette violence délicatement maîtrisée de l’art de la peinture et des gammes chromatiques extrêmes.
He claims himself a great admirer of Klein's blues and evokes an immense respect for Soulages' blacks. Wouldn't these two mentors have ended up merging and thus shaping his work to the point that it becomes the perfect combination of his two masters.